Today, as I was walking to my next class I stopped by the student center to get a soda. As I was walking to the café I saw a table which had a whole bunch of fliers and brochures for a camp. Normally I would have gone on with my day and walked pass the table without even saying hello. But this time something caught my eye. The banners had a tree on it and the words under the tree read The Oaks. At first I thought this was the Oaks camp in California but then I thought to myself no way this can’t be the Oaks then one of the representatives started to talk to me, telling me how this camp was located in California and was part of an organization called World Impact. They asked me if I wanted to take a pamphlet and I told them that my parents were missionaries with World Impact as well. At that moment all of our faces lit up and warm greetings and introductions went around. Although I had never met either of these representatives I felt as though we had known each other for a long time and that we already had so much in common. It is truly amazing the people God puts in our lives and the unexpected surprises of each and every day.
I love it when you come across people who are strangely linked to you in some way. The family of God is so BIG!