Monday, February 21, 2011

The Body of Christ

Today, as I was walking to my next class I stopped by the student center to get a soda. As I was walking to the cafĂ© I saw a table which had a whole bunch of fliers and brochures for a camp. Normally I would have gone on with my day and walked pass the table without even saying hello. But this time something caught my eye. The banners had a tree on it and the words under the tree read The Oaks. At first I thought this was the Oaks camp in California but then I thought to myself no way this can’t be the Oaks then one of the representatives started to talk to me, telling me how this camp was located in California and was part of an organization called World Impact. They asked me if I wanted to take a pamphlet and I told them that my parents were missionaries with World Impact as well. At that moment all of our faces lit up and warm greetings and introductions went around. Although I had never met either of these representatives I felt as though we had known each other for a long time and that we already had so much in common. It is truly amazing the people God puts in our lives and the unexpected surprises of each and every day.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

A Hint of Spring

Over the past several days I have enjoyed the wonderfully nice weather. The change in temperature has been quite delightful. Today I even wore shorts and flip flops it was great having just a little hint of spring. There is indeed a hope that winter will one day end and flowers and new leafs will burst from the depths of there sleep. (Oh how I cannot wait till spring comes)

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Snow Day Video

This is a short video of some of my friends and I playing in the snow on our snow day. Enjoy!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Winter at Trinity

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Snow Day!

The past two days I have been blessed with the opportunity of having two snow days. Here at Trinity we received about 18-20" of snow. The past two days have been filled with hikes in the snow, icicle hunting, snow fort building and shoveling (lot and lots of shoveling.) Last night I even enjoyed hot chocolate which I must say was very good. Today my friends and I went on a adventure to find a mountain of snow. We had lots of fun climbing on top of the mountain, throwing cannon size ball snow balls at each other and even sliding down a mountain. Over all these two snow days have been great.
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