A House in the Clouds
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Monday, September 26, 2011
Class is canceled !
This morning a woke later than i wanted to. I finished up a few things and then headed off to class. As I wanted in class, I couldn't help but notice that barely anybody was showing up. Than it hit me what if class was cancelled. Students started to get on their smart phones to see that indeed class had been canceled. What a great surprise to start my day off with. As I was back from class to my room, rain clouds were blowing away and a brilliant blue sky was in hot pursuit bringing along with it a beautifully warm sun. Have a great day everyone. For this is the day that the Lord has made.
Sunday, September 25, 2011
A Splendid Weekend
Hello family and friends, I know that it has been a while since I lasted blogged. So much has gone on since I last touched base. All is going well at Trinity. The school year is busy with work, homework and various other projects. This past weekend went well. I went on three bike rides, two at night, and one today during the day. They where all very pleasant. I love you all and hope to keep you posted on what is going on in my life.
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Dying Eggs

Sunday, April 17, 2011
Spring at Last
Monday, April 4, 2011
Wind and Lightning
Last night was one of the best nights we have had weather wise since summer. I was studying late for a test and when I went back to my room I was surprised at how warm it was. It was about sixty five degrees and very windy. A storm had just blown over and another one was one its way. I was almost to my room when I saw lightning light up the clouds in the horizon. I quickly decided to stay outside and enjoy the far off storm. Boy, was it beautiful about every thirty seconds flashes of lightning out outline the tall billowy clouds in the distance giving off a yellowish white glow. After about five minutes I went back to my room grabbed a camping chair, and sat on top of a hill with my RA watch one storm leave and other approach. The experience is hard to describe but it was sure worth staying outside to enjoy it. As the next rain started to fall a fresh spring, rain smell filled the air. Lightning spit the sky in several peaces and a pleasantly warm wind blew against your face.
Saturday, March 26, 2011
What will summer hold
College life is going well and I am doing just fine. I hope that you all have a good week and are looking forward to another. As most of you know I have been trying to figure out what to do this summer. Until two and a half weeks ago I was unsure of what i would do at all this summer. As far as I could tell I was probably going to end up in Chicago for the summer working longs hours of the week. At first glance summer did not look appealing to me at all and I had no wish of it's arrival. The main reason for such feelings, was the fact that I would be so far away from the events that where going on with the family back east. (Mom and Dad moving, Tim and Mary having a baby, and just hanging out with the family.) I feared that I would never see friends from back east again and that what I thought was a short time good bye would be a long term good-bye. I felt as if all that I held dear and near to me was being stripped away. (Several months ago I was challenged with a question. "If everything was taken away from me, friends, family, and possessions, would Christ be enough, would be satisfied me, would I treasure him?) As I have looked toward the summer and have reflected on the past I asked myself this question. Up to a couple of weeks ago my answer to this question was no. I was holding and placing my friends, family and experiences before Christ. They were more important to me than Him. Two and a half weeks ago I received a email from Brian Luke. In the email he asked what my plans where for summer and if I wanted to be a teen leader this summer at camp. He said that no male leader had applied yet and was wondering if I was interested (No Pressure). At first glance of the e-mail I kinda shrugged it off and chuckled at the idea. (I personally thought that there was no possible way in this world that I would be a college leader this summer.) Well this goes to show two things. (Our plans for our lives are not always God's plan, and God is always working in our lives and it is not until we look back that we can see the puzzle peaces come together.) Later that week I was talking with Mom and Dad about Summer and what I was going to do. (I was dreading the conversation, but knew that the time had come to talk about it) I told them that I could work in Wichita (but it was unprovable that it would actually happen) and Chicago. My conclusion was that I would probably end up finding a job in Chicago, while living with Grandma and Grandpa. I would try to take some time off around a weekend and go and visit Tim, Mary and the baby (since we do not know the sex of their unborn child, it's title will remain "the baby") So we started to talk about that and figuring out what type of job I would do in Chicago. Towards the end of our lunch I ended one of my conversations about Chicago with (Oh! Brian Luke email me and said they need a guy leader for Camp this Summer) by Mom and Dad's reaction I could easily tell they were surprised and brought back. I told them that I replied to Brian saying I'd pray about (when I replied to Brian I was prepared to give him some excuse and a simple yet not so simple NO) I did not think Mom and Dad would think it was such a great idea either but I was wrong on both accounts. The rest of the meal we talked about what it would mean as well as the pros and cons of working at camp this summer. (Pros - I would be near the east coast family this summer and possibly around when Tim and Mary's baby is born, plus I would raise support for summer and any extra support goes toward next semesters bills. Cons - If I did not raise enough support I would hardly make the money I need to meet next semesters bill (well that part is still in prayer I do believe God will provide) We ended our conversation the thought of a new possibility for summer. The most comforting things I brought away from that conversation is that (Mom,Dad and I all believe that if it is God's will for me to work at Camp this summer he will equip me with what I need to work there as a leader and that He will provide the means for me to pay for next semester.) I was also comforted by the Prayers of Dad and Mom in seeking God's will for my life this summer. For the next week I prayed and prayed about what God would have for me in my life. As I prayed I was able to reflect on my past year. I realized that I had not fully put Christ at the center of my life nor had I treasured him. I have been working on becoming dependent on God rather than myself and seeking what He wants me to do this summer. These past couple of weeks I have been able to spend time with God in his word and prayer. I have been challenged to treasure Christ and each day I have been working towards that. I have come to a place where I am becoming more content with what I do this summer (whatever it may be) Last summer I was challenged with the idea of surrender my life to Christ. (something that does not just happens once but is a daily process) As I look forward to this summer, I surrender it to God. I am continuing to seek His will and plans for my life. Two Wednesdays ago I had a really good talk with Brian Luke about the leadership position. He encouraged me to continue to pray and told me that the camp staff would be praying as well. Last Thursday I sent in my return letter for camp (a reapplication) and had a really good interview with Nathanael Tice and Denise Luke. They were able to tell me about some of the changes that would be going on this summer and a little be about the role that I would be playing. From my talk with theme it sounds like some amazing things are happening and God is bring some great people to work at Camp this summer. And so I conclude this lengthy email with one request. My dearest family, would you pray that God's will would be made clear to me for this summer and that I would continue to seek and treasure Jesus.
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